Download Microsoft Telemetry Tools Bundle 2.35
Download Microsoft Telemetry Tools Bundle 2.35

download Microsoft Telemetry Tools Bundle 2.35

Under System variables ( Systeemvariabelen), double click on "path ", add the two path variables %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\tools and %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\platform-tools and click twice OK.Under System variables ( Systeemvariabelen), add a new variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT that points to the directory C:\Android-SDK.Return to System variables ( Systeemvariabelen).Then under Extras tick the packages Android Support Repository, Google Play services, Google Repository and Google USB Driver and click Install.They are optional and not required for Cordova apps. Under Android 10 (API 29) select only the SDK Platform package.Under Tools keep the default checked packages.Doubleclick the SDK Manager.exe file to complete the installation.From the tools/lib folder copy the AVD Manager.exe and SDK Manager.exe files into the Android-SDK folder.īelow the temporary content of the Android-SDK folder:.Create on the root of your C drive a new folder Android-SDK and place the tools folder from the ZIP file in this folder.(This is the latest version with a GUI for the SDK Manager). Download Android command line tools version 25.2.5.Older versions from version 5.1 are also supported. This does not mean that the application only works on Android 10.Cordova 10 uses the Android 10 (API 29) SDK to compile the project.

download Microsoft Telemetry Tools Bundle 2.35

👎 Install the Android SDK as described below.

  • The SDK is part of Android Studio, but you can also install it separately.
  • The Android SDK contains tools to create Android apps.
  • Open a NEW!!! Git Bash window and check that the Java C-compiler is working correctly.
  • Under System variables ( Systeemvariabelen), double click on "path " and add %JAVA_HOME%\bin at the bottom.
  • TIP: Copy and paste the path from the file explorer!
  • Add a new variable JAVA_HOME that refers to the jdk directory.
  • Click under System variables ( Systeemvariabelen) on New.
  • Rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
  • Open the CMD prompt (as Administrator!!!) and open the System variables ( Systeemvariabelen) with the command:.
  • (This download requires you to register first)
  • Download and install the most recent version of the Java SE Development Kit (jdk-8uxxx).
  • download Microsoft Telemetry Tools Bundle 2.35

    A JDK version higher than 1.8.x will not work!!!

    Download Microsoft Telemetry Tools Bundle 2.35