Full Stop! Ready to work until you are 80? IT & Tech Careers I want to point out that we tried basically every step mentioned above by other users and nothing helped but turning on Modern Auth. Since we turned it on, all users who had the issue since yesterday were able to change their passwords and now they SSO right into Outlook. It was turned off and I thought that was a little odd. We were able to fix this by turning on Modern Authentication in the Office Admin settings. That normally fixed the issue for us but yesterday we started having users with the prompt that would come up everytime they clicked an email or folder. They will make a new password and once then login to the PC, the can enter that new password into Outlook. The password prompt issue actually started like a year ago when we turned on SSO and the fix until yesterday was to clear out the users credentials in Windows for Office, run gpupdate /force, set a temporary password for them in AD and restart the computer. We just had this same exact problem at my company and were able to find a fix for it.