To set a wallpaper, fire up Nitrogen and navigate to the folder where the wallpaper is stored. On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora systems: sudo dnf install nitrogen

On Ubuntu/Debian derivatives: sudo apt install nitrogen

Install Nitrogen on the Linux desktop using the distribution's package manager: Nitrogen is a popular wallpaper manager that allows you to manage and set wallpapers. To change i3wm wallpaper you need to install wallpaper manager. Although the first impression is not very appealing, don't worry, as it only takes a few commands to change the wallpaper permanently.

If you install i3wm from scratch, chances are it will greet you with a blank screen. That's what people usually do, however, you are free to choose any key you like. It's an important keybinding that you will use forever inside i3 or any window manager.īy default, i3wm gives you the option to bind the Win key or Alt key to Super. When you boot into an i3 session for the first time, you will be prompted to set up the default keybinding for the Super function. This article outlines all the necessary tasks that you should perform after installing i3wm to start the transition from the traditional desktop environment. It's lightweight, highly customizable, powerful, and perfectly suited for anyone new to venturing into the Linux world. I3wm, or i3 Window Manager, is a popular choice for both beginners and seasoned users alike. With the right setup and tweaks, a window manager can exponentially increase your productivity while adding a touch of aesthetics to your desktop. If you appreciate minimalism and are looking to speed up your workflow, you should definitely switch to a title window manager.